Difference between PVC uPVC and cPVC | Know Facts

Difference between PVC uPVC and cPVC | Know Facts

PVC, uPVC, and cPVC are three plastic materials commonly used in construction, piping, and other applications. PVC stands for polyvinyl chloride and is a type of plastic that is strong, durable, and resistant to corrosion. It is used in pipes, window frames, and...
Can You Paint the UPVC Front Door? Easy Solution

Can You Paint the UPVC Front Door? Easy Solution

You can paint a uPVC front door. This can freshen up the appearance of your home. But there are a few things to consider before taking on such a task. Whether you are an experienced do-it-yourselfer or just getting started on the DIY scene, we will make your task...
Should you choose uPVC doors for interior rooms?

Should you choose uPVC doors for interior rooms?

When one wants to renovate or build a beautiful home, it is a very crucial thing that needs one to be very careful since it requires some attention. When you choose the wrong or artificial materials in the process, you will not get the best design and look at the end....
Different types of uPVC doors | Features and uses

Different types of uPVC doors | Features and uses

There are different types of uPVC doors that most people use at home, such as the bathroom, balcony, kitchen, and other parts of the house that need doors. However, getting the right door to use when buying is challenging since you do not know what to check in a...
Advantages & Disadvantages of UPVC Doors

Advantages & Disadvantages of UPVC Doors

The term uPVC is an acronym for Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride. It is a form of plastic that is hard and inflexible. The material is also known as PVC and PVCU. That is why it uses to prepare doors, windows, or any other home furniture. The uPVC products are made of...